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Management system for e-health and data protection

A better work environment with Healthguard

Healthguard´s ambition is to create better work environments through automized handling of hazards. Healthguard helps management perform risk evaluation, create and execute measures, monitor and communicate so that everyone in the company can contribute to effective prevention, detection and management of health threats. 

Minimize sick leaves

Healthguard integrates with the highest quality sensors for measuring air quality. Environmental data for virus, infection levels and other from public sources are monitored in addition to internal data from e.g. the salary system of the company, and employee registrations in Healthguard. This so that management can respond quickly, minimize risk, maintain a safe and sound work environment, and minimize the amount of sick leaves.


Efficient risk management

Most authorities require that companies plan and implement measures to minimize sickness among critical personnel. Healthguard helps you plan efficient measures adapted to your organization for prevention and quick response to threats of various severity.

Automized and systematic prevention of hazards

Your employees will know what is done to create a safe environment at any time. You get full overview, and you can quickly implement measures that your employees will be prepared for when threats appear.

Sensitive data and Consent management

Healthguard is specially crafted for handling sensitive personal. data.  Data protection, consent managent, role based security and encrypted storage are key parts of the system.

Quick and easy implementation

Healthguard is a fully SaaS based system that is easy to implement. We help you plan and dimension the solutions for air quality monitoring and purification. Contact sales, or register for a demo and we´ll help you get started. If you have questions, just get in touch  with us.

"To be prepared for everything - is everything"

– William Shakespeare

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